President's Message

Welcome to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Maryland Section Younger Member Group (YMG)! I am pleased and honored to serve as your YMG president for the 2023-2024 term, as well as the Younger Member Director of the Maryland Section. My years serving the YMG have been extremely rewarding on a professional and personal level, and I am excited to lead the YMG's Executive Board and the group this year. 

The overall goal of our YMG is to connect younger members of ASCE (on both the young professionals and student levels) with each other and with professionals who serve as mentors to engineers whose careers are in their infancy. We host events of all aspects: professional, social, volunteering, and even technical.

During this term, I would like our group to focus on the following areas: (1) increasing participation and membership, (2) student outreach, (3) increasing our social media presence, and (4) Executive Board recruitment/succession. 

Thank you for the opportunity to make a difference in the YMG and in the Maryland Section. I hope that this group can serve our younger members better with a more diverse suite of events and activities, and I pledge to advocate for younger members in an impactful and effective manner. I look forward to meeting you at our events throughout the year!

Alyssa Sooklal, PE

President, ASCE Maryland Younger Member Group

2023-2024 Year

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